Welcome aboard!

Indian cuisine is a riot of colours, flavours, and spices. Every state has its own unique culture- ingrained taste bud. And, to many of us staying within familiar tastes is a sacrosanct act. Of course an occasional trip to a speciality restaurant that serves another fare is ok. But, as a matter of routine ...at home...NO!

One of the benefits of being born to parents who dared an interstate marriage (am talking about India of the 70's) was being able to widen a regional taste bud to accept, experiment and, relish eclectic cuisines :-)

I love food! Be it traditional or fusion, cooking is all about turning out fare that is tasty and healthy.I welcome all lovers of good food to come on aboard and share your kitchen adventures.

If you like what you see, do leave a comment. If you don't, please leave a suggestion to help me make this better.

You can also request for any recipe you want. Just leave a note in a comment box.

Happy cooking!


Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Happy New Year and a BIG Helloooooo

Here's wishing all my blogger buddies and readers a very happy New Year 2009...

Whew! it feels good to be back from an 'imposed' hibernation ;-) And you know it feels so good that so many of my blogger buddies hopped in to enquire if all was well with me. Thank you so much for the thought, my friends...a huge Hug coming your way :-) And, so many people have left quite a few thoughtful awards too. It surely does feel wonderful to be rememebered :-)

Will be back to posting recipes by this weekend... In the meanwhile, once again here's wishing you all a very merry 2009. May the deity of 'gastronomical delights' abide by you :-)
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